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Watch this video and more on Virtual Lean Bean

Watch this video and more on Virtual Lean Bean

Low Impact Power Beans [Express] with Carragh

HIIT Play • 31m

Up Next in HIIT Play

  • HIIT Play with Sarah

    Grab a resistance band (and a sweat towel) if you have one for a killer full body HIIT sesh with Sarah.
    She'll be taking you through carefully curated sets to target different parts of the body - abs, booty, shoulders and legs.
    #andbreathe #VLB @leanbeanfitnessau

  • HIIT Play with Olivia

    Ready, set, PLAY! Starting with with an AMRAP warm up, Olivia will have soon get your blood flowing and raise that heart rate.

    You'll then move onto sets which target specific muscle groups such as glutes, legs and abs, finishing with an endorphin boosting cardio burst.

    #VLB @leanbeanfitnessau

  • Power Beans with Olivia

    TABATA! Short bursts of high energy, fast paced cardio to squeeze in as many reps as possible.
    Listen out for Olivia's cues to increase the intensity during your rest break (if you're feeling REALLY hardcore) and although no equipment is needed for this one, add ankle weights if you have them.
